Beckwith United Baptist Church


Beckwith United Baptist Church


Avery Jackson


Information provided by Atlantic Baptist Archives - Churches by the Sea binders, July 25, 1981, Chronicle Herald

Church Name

Beckwith United Baptist Church

Church Association

Cumberland Association


Nova Scotia


Cumberland County


Beckwith, Cumberland Co., NS




Built 1870 - 1875

Historical Information

The Beckwith Baptist Church was organized in 1870, when the community was still known as Centreville. The congregation was established under the direction of Rev. George Mills.

This church was built between 1870 - 1875 in the Meeting House Style. The Meeting House style was typical of Baptist and Congregational congregations around this time frame in Atlantic Canada, due to its simplistic and rather quick-to-build design. The Meeting House style is characterized by a 1 ½ storey wood-frame construction, with either one or two entranceways located on the gable end. This building would have been covered in either wooden clad boards, or cedar shakes, and had a roof covered in wooden shingles. Heating sources during this time consisted of either a wood or coal burning stove, with illumination within the building coming from either whale oil or kerosene oil lamps. Often one can tell the difference between the ideologies between Baptist congregations that constructed meeting houses during this time, based on how many doors are located on the gable end. This church has two doors on the gable end, likely one door being for the men, and one for the women and children.

This building appears to have been more classical in design, based on the presence of classical architectural embellishments such as the return eaves on the gable end, classical windows and eyebrow trim boards.

In 1929, the interior of the building was decorated and the grounds improved. A complete renovation took place in 1951. The inside walls were re-panelled in 1971 and a new metal roof installed in 1974. This church was part of a pastorate and connected with Oxford, River Philip, and Little River Baptist churches. It is believed to be either alternative use or demolished.

Information provided by M. Allen Gibson, Churches by the Sea, Chronicle Herald, July 25, 1981.




Avery Jackson, “Beckwith United Baptist Church,” Atlantic Baptist Built Heritage Project , accessed May 1, 2024,

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