Roachvale United Baptist Church


Roachvale United Baptist Church


Avery Jackson


Information provided by the Guysborough Historical Society.

Church Name

Roachvale United Baptist Church

Church Association

Northeast Nova Baptist Association


Nova Scotia


Guysborough County


Roachvale, Guysborough, NS




Built 1891

Historical Information

The Baptist congregation in Roachvale was organized around 1891. On December 6th of that year, their building was completed and dedicated. This building was built in the Meeting House style, which was typical of Baptist and Congregational congregations around this time frame in Atlantic Canada, due to its simplistic and rather quick-to-build design. The Meeting House style is characterized by a 1 ½ storey wood-frame construction, with either one or two entranceways located on the gable end.

This church had hints of Gothic Revival architectural elements, evident in the three Gothic Revival windows on each of the eave-sides. There are also three on the gable end: one set close to the peak and two others that both flank the main entrance. There are also hints of Greek Revival architectural elements, evident in the use of carved moldings above the main entrance. This building is typical for its time in terms of size and style. It was covered in wooden clad boards and had cedar shakes on the roof. There is very little historical information on this building, and it is no longer in existence.

Information provided by the Guysborough Historical Society.




Avery Jackson, “Roachvale United Baptist Church,” Atlantic Baptist Built Heritage Project , accessed May 3, 2024,

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