Millvale United Baptist Church


Millvale United Baptist Church


Avery Jackson


Information provided by Atlantic Baptist Archives - Churches by the Sea, June 20, 1981, and the church.

Church Name

Millvale United Baptist Church

Church Association

Cumberland Association


Nova Scotia


Cumberland County


404 Thomson Road, Collingwood Corner, NS




Built circa 1877 - 1893

Historical Information

Millvale United Baptist Church was first organized in 1877, but it is not until 1893 that this church shows up on the statistical reports of Baptists in Nova Scotia.

This church is typical for its time in terms of size and style, and it was built in the Meeting House style. The style is characterized by being a 1 ½ wood-frame construction, with either one or two entranceways located on the gable end. One can tell a lot about the beliefs of a congregation by examining their architecture. Often when there are two doors, one located on each side of the front facade, one door was used by the men, and the other by the women.

The church is built with hints of Gothic Revival architectural elements, evident in the use of Gothic, rounded-top windows, with ornate eyebrow trims, on the gable end, and eave-sides. The front facade, on the gable end features a centrally placed doorway, with a larger gothic window, as well as another rounded-top window near the peak. On either side of the doorway is a more slender gothic window, that matches the three others found on each of the eave-sides.

One of the most striking features of this building is the corner pilaster boards along with gingerbread-moldings caddy-cornered on these piasters boards.

This church was part of a field that contains four small churches of Wentworth Baptist, Westchester Baptist, Millvale Baptist and Central New Annan Baptist.

Information provided by M. Allen Gibson, Churches by the Sea, Chronicle Herald, June 20, 1981, and the church.




Avery Jackson, “Millvale United Baptist Church,” Atlantic Baptist Built Heritage Project , accessed May 1, 2024,

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