Heritage Baptist Church
Church Name
Church Association
Historical Information
Upon calling Pastor Robert Milburn in May 2005, Heritage Baptist Church of Milford began meeting in the home of Dan and Lynn MacDonald in Georgefield, Nova Scotia. In July 2005 the congregation rented a room at the E.H. Horne School in Enfield, where they met for the next two years. Then when a historic former Anglican Church building came up for sale with approximately 11 acres on Hwy 224, overlooking Hwy 102 at Exit 9, the congregation jumped at the opportunity. Under the direction and leadership of Pastor Milburn, the church began a building program, moving the former St. Thomas Anglican Church, which was built in 1845 in MacPhee’s Corner, to the present location in Milford. The building was dedicated on July 7, 2007.
The former St. Thomas Anglican Church was constructed in the meeting house style, a common style among Protestants in early to mid-nineteenth century Atlantic Canada. This style is often characterized by its small and rather plain facility, with no steeple, and gothic embellishments. The building contains a medium sized saddle-back steeple that is placed within the main body of the church. Proportion and the number three play important roles in the architectural details of churches in this style. The front façade of the church once had a three-bay façade, and along each side of the church are three Gothic Revival windows that are now vinyl, but originally were wood framed.
The interior of the church remains relatively unchanged since its construction and still maintains many of its architectural detailings, including stained tongue and groove boards along the walls and ceiling.
Information provided by the church.
Photo credits: Michael G Winters