Bayview Baptist Church


Bayview Baptist Church

Church Name

Bayview Baptist Church

Church Association

Yarmouth Association


Nova Scotia


Yarmouth County


3276 Highway 1, Port Maitland, N




Built 1893

Historical Information

After the destruction of the Calvinist Baptist Church in Beaver River, the congregation of this church decided to build two houses of worship, one in the community of Beaver River, the other in Green Cove (now Port Maitland). The church to serve Port Maitland after the Calvinist Baptist Church was called Port Maitland Baptist Church, dedicated in 1884. The saying “lightning doesn’t strike twice” does not apply to the history of this congregation, and in 1892 this second building was struck by lightning and destroyed by fire.

The cornerstone for their new building was in place by September of 1892; the architect was J. B. Kinney and building contractor was Howard C. Curry. The progress of construction was followed closely in Yarmouth Light newspaper, from September 8, 1892 to October 5 1893, shortly after its completion. In October 1893, the congregation opened the current church building on the site (2021), and incorporated in 1894 under the name of Bayview Baptist Church. When the Regular (Calvinist) Baptists and Free Baptists in 1905/06 formed together the United Baptist Convention of the Maritime Provinces, the Baptist church at Port Maitland changed their name to Bayview United Baptist Church.

This Gothic Revival Style church has an asymmetrical facade with a five-sided front projection and recessed north- and south facing entrances in small open porches on each side. The steeply pitched roof has three cross gales on front projection, an off-centre chimney, and a steeple with a finial over the south entrance. There are triple windows in the three front sides of the projection that have double hung sashes and 1/1 glazing; pointed arch windows above have tracery and stained glass. There are large quadruple lancet windows in the north and south gable ends of the transept that have tracery and stained glass in the top arches. Most other windows are lancet or rectangular with double hung sashes and 3/3 glazing. The building is of wood construction, clad with vinyl siding added later.

The taller bell tower over north entrance was removed and north entry porch roof changed in 1978. A wheelchair ramp added in 1983. The chimney has had a new top built sometime since 1992.

Second Image from Acadia Archives - D1900.039/289

Third image is of the second church, built in 1884, destroyed 1892.

Information provided by Ron Baxter, Bayview Baptist Church, and Musique Royale.


2 - Acadia.jpg


“Bayview Baptist Church,” Atlantic Baptist Built Heritage Project , accessed May 16, 2024,

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