Wallace Bridge Baptist Church


Wallace Bridge Baptist Church


Avery Jackson


Information provided by the Atlantic Baptist Archives and https://www.wallacebythesea.ca/Churches.html

Church Name

Wallace Bridge Baptist Church

Church Association

Cumberland Association


Nova Scotia


Cumberland County


Wallace Bridge, Cumberland County, NS


Alternative Use


Built 1903

Historical Information

On January 10, 1903 it was agreed to build a church on the site purchased from Arthur Scott and Robert Kerr. The design would be on the plan of the River Philip Baptist Church. It was agreed to pay Arthur Scott $2.00 a ton for ten tons of dressed stone. John Nelson agreed to provide sills and Bamford Woodland would be paid $9.00 per meter for framing.

The first organ was purchased in 1915. Renovations over the years include a basement with Sunday School rooms and meeting space.

This church is typical for its time in terms of size and style, and is a prime example in a shift in Atlantic Baptist architecture during the early part of the twentieth century. This shift in style moved away from a typical symmetrical church design, usually with the tower centrally placed on the gable end. This church has the tower located on the corner of the gable end and eave side of the building, with the main entrance located in this part of the structure.

Some of the most striking features about this building are the Gothic Revival architectural embellishments, such as the large, ornate window on the gable end (front facade) and the gothic style vents near the top of the tower, to let the sound of the bell carry.

Little information is known about this church and its current (2023) use. It is believed to have closed in 2008. The condition of the building is unknown.

Information provided by the Atlantic Baptist Archives and https://www.wallacebythesea.ca/Churches.html




Avery Jackson, “Wallace Bridge Baptist Church,” Atlantic Baptist Built Heritage Project , accessed May 1, 2024, https://atlanticbaptistheritage.omeka.net/items/show/499.

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