Rockport United Baptist Church


Rockport United Baptist Church


Avery Jackson


Information provided by the Baptist Heritage Center, Moncton, New Brunswick.

Church Name

Rockport United Baptist Church

Church Association

Westmorland - Kent Association


New Brunswick


Westmorland County


Rockport, New Brunswick, Canada




Built 1860

Historical Information

This picture is of an outdoor service held in the churchyard during the late 1930's. The building was never wired for electricity so the use of a public address system depended upon battery power. Two of the men on the platform were Rev. Henri Lanctin Sr. and Licentiate Dollard. Rockport United Baptist Church was on the same field/ pastorate as Dorchester.

Rockport Baptist Church was organized in 1875. By 1883, when it was reported to have 31 members, it was a separate church not dependent on the pastor of the Middle Sackville Church. However, by 1936 it became a part of the extended field served by the pastor of the Middle Sackville Church. The last known service was held in 1950 and the building was demolished in 1956.

In 1875, soon after the Rockport United Baptist Church was organized, the congregation built this house of worship. This building was built in the Meeting House Style. The Meeting House style was typical of Baptist and Congregational congregations around this time frame in Atlantic Canada, due to its simplistic and rather quick-to-build design. The Meeting House style is characterized by a 1 ½ storey wood-frame construction, with either one or two entranceways located on the gable end. This building would have been covered in either wooden clad boards, or cedar shakes, and had a roof covered in wooden shingles. Heating sources during this time consisted of either a wood or coal burning stove, with illumination within the building coming from either whale oil or kerosene oil lamps.

This church shows hints of Classical architectural embellishments, evident in the use of hooded eyebrow trim boards above the centrally placed doorway on the gable end, and above the classical windows. Another classical feature is the slight return of the eaves on the gable end as well.

Information provided by the Baptist Heritage Center, Crandall University, Moncton, New Brunswick.




Avery Jackson, “Rockport United Baptist Church,” Atlantic Baptist Built Heritage Project , accessed May 3, 2024,

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