Collina United Baptist Church, formerly First Studholme Baptist


Collina United Baptist Church, formerly First Studholme Baptist


Avery Jackson


Kings County Museum, New Brunswick

Church Name

Collina United Baptist Church, formerly First Studholme Baptist

Church Association

Saint John - Kings Association


New Brunswick


Kings County


11 Pearsonville Road




Built 1840

Historical Information

The Collina United Baptist Church is typical for its time both in terms of size and style. This church has Gothic Revival elements in its architecture and is built in the Meeting House style. The style is characterized by being a 1 ½ wood-frame construction, with either one or two entranceways located on the gable end. One can tell a lot about the beliefs of a congregation by examining their architecture. Often when there are two doors, one located on each side of the front facade, one door was used by the men, and the other by the women. The building is made of wood, and has wooden clad boards on the exterior. The front entranceway is centrally placed on the gable end, and close to the peak of the structure there is a pointed gothic window, mimicking that of the points on the windows, located on the sides of the structure.

Formerly part of the Millstream United Baptist Pastorate, the other the Head of Millstream United Baptist Church, and Keirstead Mountain Baptist Church.

In 1905, with the amalgamation of the Free Baptist Conference of New Brunswick and the Maritime Convention into the United Baptist Convention of the Maritime Provinces, the Collina Church became part of the Lower Millstream United Baptist Church.

Information from the Kings County Museum, New Brunswick.




Avery Jackson, “Collina United Baptist Church, formerly First Studholme Baptist,” Atlantic Baptist Built Heritage Project , accessed May 3, 2024,

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