Coldbrook Baptist Church


Coldbrook Baptist Church

Church Name

Coldbrook Baptist Church

Church Association

Eastern Valley Association


Nova Scotia


Kings County


1392 S Bishop Rd, Coldbrook, NS




Built 1977

Historical Information

Land for a church was purchased in 1974 on the corner of South Bishop Road and Highway 1. In the spring of 1977 construction was started on a one and a half storey building measuring fifty by eighty-five feet. The first service in this building was held on September 10th, 1977, with the dedication service being held the following month on October 2nd, 1977.

The architecture and design of this building is unique to this building and unlike any other Baptist church found in the region. From the front of the facility, it appears that you are looking at the gable end of a three-bay façade, that has one dormer that protrudes the roofline on either side. What appears to be dormers is really one large roofline that slants towards the rear of the building, and lines up with the peak of the roof on the front gable end. On the front façade of the building there is a large rectangular window, with a curved piece on the top for ventilation in the attic; below this is the name “Coldbrook Baptist Church” written in black metal letters. This whole section protrudes forward from the main building. On either side of this are two small overhangs on the roof, containing the main level entrances. On the left side there are several vinyl windows, and a stairway leading to recreational space on the second level. The height of the ceiling in the front appears to go all the way to the peak of the roof, and the large rectangular window on the front façade illuminates the sanctuary.

Information provided by the church and Churches of Kings County Nova Scotia




“Coldbrook Baptist Church,” Atlantic Baptist Built Heritage Project , accessed May 14, 2024,

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