Browse Items
- Aaron Morse
- Abraham Spinney
- akron style
- Akron-style
- Albert Association
- Albert County
- Alfred L. Wilkinson
- Allison Baptist
- Allison Baptist Church
- Alternative Use
- Amos Hubley
- Annapolis County
- Annapolis Royal
- Armond
- Arthur H. Barteaux
- Avonport Baptist Church
- Aylesford- Wilmot
- B. J. Johnson
- Bannon
- Baptist Church of Digby Joggins
- Baptist Meeting House
- Baptist Society of Nictaux
- Barton
- Bath
- Bear River Baptist Church
- Beechwood
- Benjamin Reed
- Bible Baptist Church Kingston
- Biggar Ridge
- Bloomington
- Boundary Creek
- Boundary Creek Baptist Church
- Boyd MacNayr
- Brentwood
- Brentwood Baptist
- Brentwood Baptist Church
- Brighton
- Bristol
- C. L. Chute
- Calvary (North Sydney) Baptist Church
- Capt. James Slocomb
- Carleton County
- Centerville Baptist Church (Faith Christian Church)
- Centreville
- Charles “Bucky” Adams
- Charles Jordan
- Charles Neily
- Charles Randall
- Charles Tupper
- Charlotte County
- Cherryfield
- Church by the Lake
- Chute's Cove
- Clements
- Clements Baptist Church
- Clements West
- Condon School House
- Crandall Baptist Meeting House
- Daniel Bailey
- Daniels Sulis
- David Gray
- David Harris
- Deer Island
- Delmore William “Buddy” Daye
- Digby Church
- Digby County
- Double front entrance
- E. C. Vidito
- Ebenezer Sproule
- Elder Stronach
- Elias Phinney
- Eliphalet Curry
- Enoch Towner
- Ernest Neily
- Ezekiel Sipprell
- F. M. Young
- Fairhaven
- Faith Baptist Church Kingston
- Falkland Ridge
- Fielding
- First Baptist
- First Baptist Church
- First Baptist Moncton
- First Cornwallis (Upper Canard) United Baptist Church
- First Digby Neck
- First Ragged Islands
- Florenceville
- Florenceville Baptist
- Florenceville-Bristol
- Frank L Chute
- Free Meeting House
- Free Will Baptist
- Freeman Fitch
- Freeport Field
- G. H. Gowdy
- George Edgar Hutchinson
- George Elliot Clarke
- George Hudson
- Gerald Mackinnon
- Gothic
- Gothic Revival
- Grafton
- Granville
- Granville and Wilmot Mountain Church
- Granville Baptist Church
- Granville Mountain
- Greek Revival
- Hampton United Baptist Church
- Harris Harding
- Henry Achilles
- Henry Alline
- Henry Orde
- Henry Phinney
- Henry Saunders
- Highfield Baptist
- Highfield Street United Baptist
- Hillsborough
- Hillsburg Church
- Hillsburn
- Hillside Baptist
- Independent
- Ingraham Bill
- Ingraham H. Brown
- IOOF Hall
- Isaac Moore
- Isaiah Wallace
- Israel Bowlby Company
- Israel Potter
- J. B. Cogswell
- Jacob Cornwell
- James B. Kinney
- James Bond Kinney
- James Brown
- James E. Balcom
- James Graham
- John Bowlby
- John Charlton
- John Daley
- John Grant
- John Roop
- John Ross
- John Wiswall
- John Woodsworth
- Joseph Banks
- Joseph Crandall
- Joseph Dimock
- Journey
- Kings County
- Kingston Baptist Church
- Knowlesville
- L. M. Weeks
- Lake Pleasant
- Lakebrook United Baptist Church
- Lambert's Cove
- Lawrence Starratt
- Lawrencetown
- layman Skinner
- Lewisville
- Lewisville Baptist
- Living Waters Christian Academy
- Living Way Bible Institute
- Lord's Cove
- Louis Head
- Louse Head
- Lower Aylesford Church pastorate
- Lower Granville
- Lower Granville Baptist Churches
- Lower Granville Field
- Lower Granville Pastorate
- Lutes Mountain
- Lutz Mountain
- Lutz Mountain Museum
- Main Street Baptist
- Maitland Baptist Meeting House
- Margaretsville pastorate
- Mariner's Section
- Mary Slocomb
- meetinghouse-style
- Melvern Square
- Middle Sackville
- Middle Sackville Baptist Church
- Middleton
- Middleton Baptist Church
- Milford and Graywood Baptist Church
- Miramichi-North Shore Association
- Moncton
- Moncton Free Meeting House
- Moshers Corner
- Mount Beulah Church
- Mount Hanley
- Mount Rose
- Mrs. Roy Casey
- Multi-Site
- Nancy Perry
- Nat Robinson
- New Brunswick
- Newcastle
- Newcastle United Baptist Church
- Nictaux
- Nictaux Baptist Church
- North Kingston
- North Street Chapel
- Northumberland County
- Northwestern
- Northwestern Association
- Nova Scotia
- Old Church Cottages
- Oldham Whitman
- Osborne
- P. R. Foster
- Pamela Hubley
- Paradise Baptist Church
- Parker's Cove
- Parkside Baptist
- Peel
- Perth-Andover
- Peter Crandall
- Pine Grove Baptist Church
- Port George
- Port Royal
- Port Williams
- Portia White
- Primitive Baptist
- Reuban Balcom
- Rev Henry Saunders
- Rev I. E. Bill
- Rev Thomas DeLong
- Rev W. B. Bradshaw
- Rev. A. F. Skinner
- Rev. Dykeman
- Rev. Isaiah Wallace
- Rev. J. W. Brown
- Rev. John Chase
- Rev. L. J. Tingley
- Rev. Ring
- Rev. W. L. Parker
- Reverend Richard Preston
- Richard Cunningham
- Richard Preston
- Riverview Baptist
- Robert Croswaithe
- Robert Dickie
- Robert Downey
- Robert Perry
- Robert Porter
- Robert Tanch
- Roland McCormick
- Rossway
- Roxville
- Sable River
- Sackville
- Saint John-Kings Association
- Salem Baptist Church
- Senator Don Oliver
- Shediac
- Shelburne County
- shipwright
- Sissiboo
- Smiths Cove
- Smiths Cove United Baptist Church
- South Meeting House
- Southwestern Association
- Springfield
- Stoney Beach Church
- Sunny Brae
- Surrey Valley
- Sussex
- The Journey Church
- The Point Church
- The Valley
- Thomas Ansley
- Tracey Mills
- Trout Cove Church
- Turning Point Baptist Church
- Union Church
- United Baptist Convention of the Maritime Provinces
- Uplands
- Uplands Baptist
- Upper Brighton
- Upper Clements
- Upper Wilmot
- Valley West
- Victoria County
- Viola Desmond
- W. L. Parker
- Walker Porter
- Wallace Whitman
- Wallace Wright
- Waterville
- West End United Baptist Church
- West Florenceville
- West Lane Baptist Church
- Westmorland County
- Westmorland-Kent Association
- Weymouth Falls
- Wicklow
- William E. Hall
- William Hall
- William Stephenson
- William Thomas
- Wilmot
- Wilmot and Upper Granville Baptist Church
- Wilmot Mountain Baptist Church
- Wilmot- Aylesford
- Wood Point
- Wood Point Baptist Church
- Woodstock